Advanced Knowledge Tracing: Incorporating Process Data and Curricula Information via an Attention-Based Framework for Accuracy and Interpretability



Published Oct 17, 2024
Yikai Lu Lingbo Tong Ying Cheng


Knowledge tracing aims to model and predict students’ knowledge states during learning activities. Traditional methods like Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) and logistic regression have limitations in granularity and performance, while deep knowledge tracing (DKT) models often suffer from lacking transparency. This paper proposes a Transformer-based framework that emphasizes both accuracy
and interpretability. It captures the relationship between student behaviors and learning outcomes considering the associations between exam and exercise problems. We participated in the EDM Cup 2023 Contest using the proposed framework and achieved first place on the task of predicting students’ performance on end-of-unit test problems using clickstream data from previous assignments. Furthermore, the framework provides meaningful insights by analyzing user actions and visualizing attention weight matrices. These insights enable targeted interventions and personalized support, enhancing online learning experiences. We have uploaded our code, saved models, and predictions to an OSF repository:

How to Cite

Lu, Y., Tong, L., & Cheng , Y. (2024). Advanced Knowledge Tracing: Incorporating Process Data and Curricula Information via an Attention-Based Framework for Accuracy and Interpretability. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 16(2), 58–84.
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interpretable deep learning, deep knowledge tracing (DKT), predictive analytics, educational data mining, intelligent tutoring system (ITS), attention

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Special Section EDM Cup 2023