The Potentials of Educational Data Mining for Researching Metacognition, Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning



Published May 1, 2013
Philip H. Winne Ryan S.J.d. Baker


Our article introduces the Journal of Educational Data Mining's Special Issue on Educational Data Mining on Motivation, Metacognition, and Self-Regulated Learning. We outline general research challenges for data mining researchers who conduct investigations in these areas, the potential of EDM to advance research in this area, and issues in validating findings generated by EDM.

How to Cite

Winne, P. H., & Baker, R. S. (2013). The Potentials of Educational Data Mining for Researching Metacognition, Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 5(1), 1–8.
Abstract 2818 | PDF Downloads 2111



educational data mining, metacognition, motivation, self-regulated learning

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Editorial Comment