Session-based Methods for Course Recommendation



Published Jun 27, 2024
Md Akib Zabed Khan Agoritsa Polyzou


In higher education, academic advising is crucial to students' decision-making. Data-driven models can benefit students in making informed decisions by providing insightful recommendations for completing their degrees. To suggest courses for the upcoming semester, various course recommendation models have been proposed in the literature using different data mining techniques and machine learning algorithms utilizing different data types. One important aspect of the data is that usually, courses taken together in a semester fit well with each other. If there is no correlation between the co-taken courses, students may find it more difficult to handle the workload. Based on this insight, we propose using session-based approaches to recommend a set of well-suited courses for the upcoming semester. We test three session-based course recommendation models, two based on neural networks (CourseBEACON and CourseDREAM) and one on tensor factorization (TF-CoC). Additionally, we propose a post-processing approach to adjust the recommendation scores of any base course recommender to promote related courses. Using metrics capturing different aspects of the recommendation quality, our experimental evaluation shows that session-based methods outperform existing popularity-based, association-based, similarity-based, factorization-based, neural networks-based, and Markov chain-based recommendation approaches. Effective course recommendations can result in improved student advising, which, in turn, can improve student performance, decrease dropout rates, and a more positive overall student experience and satisfaction.

How to Cite

Khan, M. A. Z., & Polyzou, A. (2024). Session-based Methods for Course Recommendation. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 16(1), 164–196.
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session-based recommendation, course recommendation, student enrollment data, deep learning

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