A Scalable, Flexible, and Interpretable Analytic Pipeline for Stealth Assessment in Complex Digital Game-Based Learning Environments: Towards Generalizability



Published Dec 17, 2024
Wenyi Lu James Laffey Troy D. Sadler Joe Griffin Sean P. Goggins


The rapid advancement of technology necessitates innovative educational tools and curricula that empower learners to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills, particularly for complex, real-world problem-solving. Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) has emerged as a promising approach to engage students in meaningful learning experiences. However, one major challenge for DGBL adoption in formal education is the effective assessment of learners' performance aligned with specific educational standards, such as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This study addresses this challenge by proposing and evaluating a novel stealth assessment (SA) pipeline that leverages educational data mining techniques to enhance the generalizability and scalability of learning assessments across various DGBL contexts, while maintaining model interpretability and improving the flexibility of model selection. Our proposed analytical pipeline integrates both machine-learned and expert-crafted features to predict multiple learning outcomes, content knowledge, and scientific argumentation skills. The pipeline offers several innovations: (1) it captures intricate in-game behaviors and decision-making strategies; (2) it employs a three-layered unsupervised learning approach to reduce dimensionality and identify critical features; and (3) it provides a flexible framework by combining both in-game and learning progress data. We validate this pipeline within a 3D narrative DGBL environment, Mission HydroSci (MHS), demonstrating its utility in accurately assessing learning outcomes across multiple game contexts (units). Moreover, by employing Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) plots, this study interprets the black-box models' results, offering actionable insights into game design and pedagogical arrangements. Our findings reveal unexpected relationships between in-game performance and post-game learning outcomes, leading to recommendations for future DGBL design improvements. This study advances educational data mining by providing a scalable, flexible and interpretable framework for embedding SA into DGBL environments, thus extending the reach of data-driven learning assessments in educational game contexts. Future research will further explore the applicability and limitations of this pipeline across diverse educational settings. Codes and sample datasets can be found at https://github.com/augurlabs/2025-Lu-Et-Al

How to Cite

Lu, W., Laffey, J., Sadler, T., Griffin, J., & Goggins, S. (2024). A Scalable, Flexible, and Interpretable Analytic Pipeline for Stealth Assessment in Complex Digital Game-Based Learning Environments: Towards Generalizability. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 16(2), 214–303. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14503598
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stealth assessment, evidence-centered design, learning analytics, accumulated local effects plots, ensemble learning, latent variable learning, dimension reduction, unsupervised learning, digital game-based learning, machine learning, educational data mining

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