Supercharging BKT with Multidimensional Generalizable IRT and Skill Discovery
Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) is a popular interpretable computational model in the educational
mining community that can infer a student’s knowledge state and predict future performance based on
practice history, enabling tutoring systems to adaptively select exercises to match the student’s competency
level. Existing BKT implementations do not scale to large datasets and are difficult to extend
and improve in terms of prediction accuracy. On the other hand, uninterpretable neural network (NN)
student models, such as Deep Knowledge Tracing, enjoy the speed and modeling flexibility of popular
computational frameworks (e.g., PyTorch, Tensorflow, etc.), making them easy to develop and extend.
To bridge this gap, we develop a collection of BKT recurrent neural network (RNN) cells that are much
faster than brute-force implementations and are within an order of magnitude of a fast, fine-tuned but
inflexible C++ implementation. We leverage our implementation’s modeling flexibility to create two
novel extensions of BKT that significantly boost its performance. The first merges item response theory
(IRT) and BKT by modeling multidimensional problem difficulties and student abilities without fitting
student-specific parameters, allowing the model to easily generalize to new students in a principled way.
The second extension discovers the discrete assignment matrix of problems to knowledge components
(KCs) via stochastic neural network techniques and supports further guidance via problem input features
and an auxiliary loss objective. Both extensions are learned in an end-to-end fashion; that is, problem
difficulties, student abilities, and assignments to knowledge components are jointly learned with BKT
parameters. In synthetic experiments, the skill discovery model can partially recover the true generating
problem-KC assignment matrix while achieving high accuracy, even in some cases where the true KCs
are structured unfavorably (interleaving sequences). On a real dataset where problem content is available,
the skill discovery model matches BKT with expert-provided skills, despite using fewer KCs. On seven
out of eight real-world datasets, our novel extensions achieve prediction performance that is within 0.04
AUC-ROC points of state-of-the-art models. We conclude by showing visualizations of the parameters
and inferences to demonstrate the interpretability of our BKT RNN models on a real-life dataset.
How to Cite
Bayesian knowledge tracing, generalizable IRT, skill discovery
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