Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Knowledge Tracing: Of Hyperparameters and Metrics on Performance and Replicability



Published Oct 1, 2022
Sami Sarsa Juho Leinonen Arto Hellas


New knowledge tracing models are continuously being proposed, even at a pace where state-of-theart
models cannot be compared with each other at the time of publication. This leads to a situation
where ranking models is hard, and the underlying reasons of the models’ performance – be it architectural
choices, hyperparameter tuning, performance metrics, or data – is often underexplored. In this
work, we review and evaluate a body of deep learning knowledge tracing (DLKT) models with openly
available and widely-used data sets, and with a novel data set of students learning to program. The
evaluated knowledge tracing models include Vanilla-DKT, two Long Short-Term Memory Deep Knowledge
Tracing (LSTM-DKT) variants, two Dynamic Key-Value Memory Network (DKVMN) variants,
and Self-Attentive Knowledge Tracing (SAKT). As baselines, we evaluate simple non-learning models,
logistic regression and Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT). To evaluate how different aspects of DLKT
models influence model performance, we test input and output layer variations found in the compared
models that are independent of the main architectures. We study maximum attempt count options, including
filtering out long attempt sequences, that have been implicitly and explicitly used in prior studies.
We contrast the observed performance variations against variations from non-model properties such as
randomness and hardware. Performance of models is assessed using multiple metrics, whereby we also
contrast the impact of the choice of metric on model performance. The key contributions of this work are
the following: Evidence that DLKT models generally outperform more traditional models, but not necessarily
by much and not always; Evidence that even simple baselines with little to no predictive value
may outperform DLKT models, especially in terms of accuracy – highlighting importance of selecting
proper baselines for comparison; Disambiguation of properties that lead to better performance in DLKT
models including metric choice, input and output layer variations, common hyperparameters, random
seeding and hardware; Discussion of issues in replicability when evaluating DLKT models, including
discrepancies in prior reported results and methodology. Model implementations, evaluation code, and
data are published as a part of this work.

How to Cite

Sarsa, S., Leinonen, J., & Hellas, A. (2022). Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Knowledge Tracing: Of Hyperparameters and Metrics on Performance and Replicability. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7086179
Abstract 855 | PDF Downloads 397



knowledge tracing, deep learning, memory networks, attention-based models, hyperparameter optimization, evaluation metrics, replicability

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